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Our Location: Kraftwerk, Zurich

The Swiss Fintech Fair 2019 will be hosted on September 17th in Zurich's Kraftwerk (  in the heart of the city and therefore right in the financial center of Switzerland.

Kraftwerk is a unique space fueling Swiss innovation and collaboration. This for­mer power station in walking distance to Zurich HB provides a distinctive event hall as well as a lively café with an in­spi­­ring atmosphere - the perfect place to host a tradeshow for and by fintech drivers.

Kraftwerk enables new and efficient partnerships between established companies and startups who, together and across indus­tries, develop inno­vative and sustainable solutions for the challenges of digital transformation.

During the Swiss Fintech Fintech Fair 2019 the event hall at Kraftwerk will be the dedicated fair floor for fintech exhibitors. Industrial containers will be transformed into show rooms and lounge spaces for extraordinary and individual trade show appearances. In the so-called 'Kommandoraum' (command room) an accompanying stage program will be hosted with inspiring talk and sessions as well as startup pitches.

Visit the page to have a look at the Swiss Fintech Fair floor plans.


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